Sunday, April 17, 2011

old and new

Today I'm posting pictures of a couple of cakes i did recently, as well as a couple of old ones i stumbled upon. 

This is one of my favorites, i love that they wanted a fashion sketch of the dress. The dress is made of fondant, then drawn on with food coloring. 

This was for a 8 year old birthday he wanted a dragon similar to the ones used in parades. Then some gemstones on top and a few around the sides. All the decorations are made from fondant, and he wraps around the cake. 

Now here's some cakes from a little while ago. 
This one is the second tinkerbell cake I've done. Here is the first one i did.

Last but not least a hello kitty cake 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Time

Today I'm posting more photos of cakes i have done recently at work. Now none of these cakes were actually intended for spring, i just thought they all had a very spring time essence to them.

The first one is a character from a children's show called yo gabba gabba, and the characters called a foofa. Pretty silly i know, i really don't understand kids shows these days :p

This next cake was for a bridal shower, i really love this one its so simple yet so cute. I'm a huge fan of people not putting an inscription on a cake. Sometimes it just ruins it, also I love the bee (you can't tell in the picture but he's smiling :]

This last cake was for a 25th anniversary, its a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Its decorated with fondant cherry blossoms. The inscription is in Russian so I'm not sure what it says. This cake was also interesting because they didn't want the top tier in the center, so it is lined up with the back of the bottom tier. 

Thats all for now, hope everyone can start enjoying some spring time weather soon!
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