Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to succeed in business without really trying

So previously i had mentioned that i had some pretty exciting news, well this was it. This past weekend i made a cake for the one and only DANIEL RADCLIFFE. 
 I still can't really believe that Daniel Radcliffe ate my cake ;]
 It was for opening night of his new Broadway show How to succeed in business without really trying. Needless to say i was over the moon. 

As usual all decorations are made of fondant 

Here's a photo of the cake with my inspirations for the design 

That's all for now :]]]] hope you all enjoy, and i hope he did as well 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday cakes

More cake photos (all decorations are made from fondant)

This first one is groucho marks juggling, they were having their party at some place where they teach you juggling and other circus tricks. 

This is eloise from books such as eloise at the plaza 

 I loved this cake i thought it was such a cute idea having a box of crayons on the cake, then it had rainbow sprinkles on the sides 

This was kind of a strange cake but i liked it, it was for a man who was turning 40. He's a big fan of the song I'm still here, so he wanted that written on the cake. I suppose its fitting for a 40th bday as well. 

And last but certainly not least my favorite cake ever, monty python and the holy grail. I wish more people would order cool cakes like this one. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cakes Cakes Cakes

So again sorry for  not posting more often, just been busy busy busy. So today i figured I'd just post some pics of cakes I've done at work. 

This was a cake i did that was designed after a display wedding cake that Jess made. The little girl liked that cake and wanted a similar version done on a small cake. All the decorations are made from fondant. I'm really glad the people went with chocolate frosting, i think it works really well with the design. 

I absolutely loved this cake, if you don't know who that is it's general grievous from star wars episode III revenge of the sith. I'm not actually a huge fan of general grievous but it was a nice change from the typical star wars characters people want. (all deco are fondant)

The client brought in a napkin that they were using for their party, and they had coordinated all their decor with, and wanted a cake to match as well. It was a really lovely design, and i loved the colors. All decorations are made from fondant. 

Here's a cake for a pretty cool 3 year old, not only does his birthday cake have a guitar on it, but it's cookies and cream! yummmm (all deco are fondant)

Well that's all for today, i have lots more pictures stored up, but I'm trying to ration them so i can have more posts. So hopefully i will be posting soon, as well as having some pretty exciting news, fingers crossed. 

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