I then looked down at my floor and hand which was also covered with silver luster dust. could not figure out where it came from. I then found one of the little containers of dust which was completely coated with silver. I thought oh this must be the one maybe it got a whole in it or something (this one actually turned out to be gold not silver). So i put it in a little bag and started to clean the floor, but every time i cleaned somewhere more luster dust would just pop up somewhere else. I finally found the real source of the problem
The cap had come off of the silver so the whole thing was all dumped into this bag and some in the box. I then realized how cool this looked on skin so i covered my hand
Waste not want not right?
I must say it looked much cooler in person, i looked like the tin man.
So the moral of this story is don't keep your luster dusts in places where they can be jostled around since apparently there caps can come off quite easily. Or you'll have a luster dust massacre on your hands quite literally.